Some of Anne Fine's books about families of all shapes and sizes

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Carnegie Medal

Children's Laureate 2001-2003

Carnegie Medal 1989, 1992

Whitbread Award 1993, 1996

Guardian Fiction Award 1990

Family Fortunes

 You only have to look round to see that families come in all shapes and sizes. (Just read Ralph's Story in Step by Wicked Step to see how complicated they can get!) Some are happy most of the time and act as a great support to everyone in them. Others are quite the opposite, so surviving the problems and high emotions that run through them is a real challenge.

I'm fascinated by families. I come from quite a large one myself. My parents had my elder sister and me then, feeling wistful about the lack of a son, tried one more time - only to find themselves with three more baby girls. (Small wonder my favourite fairy tale was The Twelve Dancing Princesses, which almost made our household look halfway to normal.)

But writers can't afford to be afraid of conflict, or pretend arguments don't happen or don't matter. Underlying every good novel must be some bedrock of emotional truth. I look through the books I've written and see the widest possible mix of family members: parents, step-parents, divorced parents, delinquent grannies, eccentric aunts, sinister uncles, ghastly cousins. I hope I've done justice to everyone's real emotions, and, in quite a few of the novels, offered a good few laughs along the way.

Anne Fine (signature)

"brilliantly insightful and very funny about the difficulties of family life"

Julia Eccleshare, The Guardian

Click any cover below for some more books by Anne Fine which you might enjoy:

Shades of Scarlet Goggle-Eyes Blood Family Trouble in Toadpool The Devil Walks The Stone Menagerie Eating Things on Sticks On the Summerhouse Steps Frozen Billy The More the Merrier Bad Dreams The Book of the Banshee Charm School A Pack of Liars Crummy Mummy and Me Madame Doubtfire The Granny Project Step by Wicked Step Flour Babies

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