Just some of Anne Fine's books for children: which is your favourite?

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Carnegie Medal

Children's Laureate 2001-2003

Carnegie Medal 1989, 1992

Whitbread Award 1993, 1996

Guardian Fiction Award 1990


Click any cover below to read more about one of these books by Anne Fine; they appeal particularly to readers in the middle age range:

On The Wall The Chicken Gave it to Me Anneli the Art Hater Saving Miss Mirabelle How to Write Really Badly On Planet Fruitcake Ivan the Terrible The Angel of Nitshill Road Bill's New Frock A Shame to Miss Trouble in Toadpool The Devil Walks Eating Things on Sticks Frozen Billy The More the Merrier Bad Dreams Charm School Loudmouth Louis A Pack of Liars Crummy Mummy and Me Genie, Genie, Genie Telling Tales: An Interview with Anne Fine

Your bookshop or library can order any of these books for you. Ask your librarian for a 'request card'.

Anne Fine writes books for all ages: here's more about her books for younger children and older children. She writes books for adults, too.