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An Interview with Anne Fine

The cover of 'An Interview with Anne Fine' 

In An Interview with Anne Fine, Anne Fine interviews herself. The question and answer format makes the perfect way of getting to know the author and having the conversation you always wanted to have with her.

What do you like best about writing?

I love the sheer addictiveness of the job. Out of nowhere, you feel a sort of nudge inside your brain, and it's 'Oh, right, So that's what I'm going to write about next.'

"This author is too much of a treasure to be reserved for children alone"


An Interview with Anne Fine is a non-fiction book suitable for middle readers. It was originally published in a series called Telling Tales in 1999. This edition was published by Egmont on 1 September 2002.

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Or ask your local bookshop (or library) to order it for you; tell them the ISBN is 978-1-4052-0053-0.