Some of Anne Fine's books for older readers

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Carnegie Medal

Children's Laureate 2001-2003

Carnegie Medal 1989, 1992

Whitbread Award 1993, 1996

Guardian Fiction Award 1990


 I really like writing for older children and young people.

They're the perfect readers. All the wee motors in their brains are spinning happily. Emotions are often in turmoil, so they're happy to read about other people's mixed feelings. And, because they've not yet had time to develop that inclination to ignore uncomfortable things that gradually eats into so many adults, they come at every topic a writer puts before them with fresh and open minds.

I've tackled all sorts of subjects in books for this age group. (And, to cheer parents, as well as teenagers, through the toils of early adolescence, I cherry-picked some of our own family's most turbulent moments in order to write the comedy, The Book of the Banshee.) 

Click any cover below for some books by Anne Fine which appeal particularly to older children and young adults:

Shades of Scarlet Blood Family The Tulip Touch Up on Cloud Nine Flour Babies The Stone Menagerie The Road of Bones On the Summerhouse Steps A Shame to Miss Very Different Step by Wicked Step The Book of the Banshee Madame Doubtfire The Granny Project Round Behind the Ice-house

Your bookshop or library can order any of these books for you. Ask your librarian for a 'request card'.